U708 PM Light Grey

The neutral U708 Light Grey can be combined in many different ways. Tone-on-tone combinations with other grey tones are possible and it can be used as a contrast with natural woodgrains. In interior design, this grey decor is an all-rounder for neutral surfaces. The PM PerfectSense Premium Matt lacquer surface lends the uni colour a special matt quality and a unique surface calm through the use of an MDF core material or laminate as the base material. The anti-fingerprint property perfects the look and feel of this matt uni surface. NCS S2002-G50Y****   Pantone 420C*   RAL 7047***
  • Laminates

    PerfectSense Premium Laminates Matt:
    2800mm x 1310mm x 0.8mm

  • Edging

    PerfectSense ABS Edging:
    23 x 1mm
    43 x 1mm

Decor Combinations & Recommendations