H1710 ST10 Sand Kentucky Chestnut
This chestnut reproduction has a look with more visible pore elements that is quite rustic and lively for a chestnut. With H1710 Sand Kentucky Chestnut, we show a very light colour that can be combined very well with light to middle grey and also nude tones. The ST10 Deepskin Rough surface texture supports the natural character of the decor. Decor is directionally bound.- Decorative Faced Boards
Eurodekor Faced Chipboards JP F0,3 (F****)/GB ENF MR:
2800mm x 2070mm x (8, 15, 16, 18, 19, 25mm)Eurodekor Flammex Flame Retardant Faced Chipboards E1E05 TSCA P2:
2800mm x 2070mm x 16mmEurodekor Flammex Flame Retardant Faced MDF E1E05 TSCA ST:
2800mm x 2070mm x (16, 18, 19, 22, 25mm) - Laminates
2800mm x 1310mm x 0.8mmLaminates Flammex Flame Retardant:
2800mm x 1310mm x (0.6, 0.8mm) - Edging
ABS Edging:
23 x 0.8mm
43 x 0.8mm
Decor Combinations & Recommendations
U232 ST9 Apricot Nude